Friday, September 1, 2017

SINGLE LEG KICK - Pilates Übung, Video

Bauchlage: Ellenbogen gebeugt und unter der Schulter platziert, Finger verschränkt, Oberkörper angehoben, Rücken in Extension, Bauchmuskulatur aktiviert, Beine gestreckt und von der Matte gehoben

Ausatmen: ein Bein abwinkeln (2x federn), mit dem anderen Bein wiederholen
Einatmen: ein Bein abwinkeln (2x federn), mit dem anderen Bein wiederholen

Die Übung dient vor allem der Kräftigung der ischiocruralen Muskulatur und der oberen Rückenextensoren. Achtung: Bei Beschwerden im Knie kann die Übung möglicherweise kontraindizierend sein! Es ist wichtig während der Übung die Schulterblatt-Stabilisation beizubehalten sowie beide Beine weg von der Matte zu halten.

Wiederholung: 8 - 10 wiederholen

Um die Übung zu erleichtern, kann man den Oberkörper senken zu einer weniger starken Rückextension.

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Doing a specific exercise inappropriately may not give you the best benefits, but it is not the reason most people are out of shape. Most people succumb to a lack of drive and information. The goal is to make it fun, and these tips will help you do that.

Music is something you should integrate into all of your workouts. Music can make your body naturally move to the rhythm and beat. When you exercise to music, try to think of it like dancing. You will forget about any aches and pains and carry on working out for a little while longer.

Invite friends along to exercise with you. Make your workouts a social get-together. It will make them more fun. Twice the people make time spent exercising go twice as quickly. Pleasant company is distracting enough so that you won't focus on your aching muscles. Working out with pals is much more fun than you can imagine.

If you are interested in making your exercise routine a little more entertaining, consider purchasing video games that you can use to work out. Your whole family will enjoy a workout video game as it is a ,great exercise tool. In order to distract yourself from the fact that you are exercising, it is important to do something that is enjoyable. You will be so engrossed in playing the game that you will exercise more intensely and for a longer time.

Shopping for exercise clothes is a great way to get motivated to work out. Find the perfect exercise clothes that will make you feel good about yourself. You can find workout gear in every color and style imaginable. Get exercise clothes that jazz up your mood, either by flattering your figure or just feeling fun to be in. Think outside the box. Be outrageous and unique. You should choose exercise outfits that you like to wear so that you will feel good about going to the gym or working out.

Try switching your workouts around with new activities to alleviate boredom. If you do this, then your motivation won't falter, and you will be less likely to abandon your exercise routine. People often lose gusto when exercising because it becomes boring and tiresome; make sure you are constantly switching up your workout routine to keep it fun and original to motivate you to keep going. You don't want to lose interest because if you stop your routine, starting back up can be a real challenge.

An excellent way to stay motivated and on track with fitness is to give yourself rewards as you progress. You can give yourself little rewards along the way instead of waiting until you have achieved your overall long-term goal. Pick your rewards with care. Small things, such as a portion of an appetizing dessert or a new piece of clothing are great incentives. You can make this reward simple but worthwhile even if you are on a budget. The more enticing a reward is, the more likely you will be to strive for it.

Working out does not necessarily have to be a struggle. Have fun while you workout so that you look forward to exercising. These tips will help you to have fun while you exercise!

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