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Sdraiati, braccia lungo i fianchi, gambe piegate, solleviamole.
Se sei ad ad un livello avanzato puoi farlo anche con le gambe tese.
Testa e spalle sollevate.
Le braccia sono tese come se volessi andare a toccare un muro di fronte, facendo scivolare le scapole verso i glutei.
Se senti tensione nel collo puoi appoggiare la testa.
Da questa posizione inspira per 5 tempi e espira per altri 5.
Esercizio utile per imparare la respirazione.
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Musica: Groove Groove by Kevin McLeod
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A Easy But Effective Program To Lose Fat After 30, 40, 50 and Above
A workout that you like and that is fun is one that will probably work best for you. If you build a good routine it will make your workout easier to do and harder to resist. The tips in this article will show you how to build a custom program that works perfectly for you.
Turn on music when you exercise. Music can make your body naturally move to the rhythm and beat. When you exercise to music and move your body, then it's like dancing, and you don't feel like it's a workout. You will forget about any aches and pains and carry on working out for a little while longer.
When you are about to exercise you should take a friend or two along. Making it a social event will make your exercise more fun! When you are working out with a friend, time will pass much more quickly. Social engagement can help you focus on the conversation rather than the burn. You may be surprised how much more fun workouts can be when done with friends.
If you want to add a little spice to your exercise routine, consider exercising along with some workout videos. Have different workouts available so you don't get bored. Workout videos provide you with direction, motivation and music. This can dramatically increase your endurance.
Get out and buy some exercise clothes. Search for the clothes that complement you and give you a good feeling when wearing them. When choosing your workout outfit, add some of your own style and creativity to it. Let your personality shine by choosing workout clothes in the styles and colors you love. If your clothing gives you a heightened sense of confidence, it is sure to translate to your workouts as well.
Doing the same exercise routine over and over again is dull and will make you want to quit. Exercise routines that are not fun and enjoyable are hard to do you regularly. Many people end up falling off the wagon because they simply do not want to do the exercises. You do not want to bore yourself in an exercise routine; make sure to change it often. It will be easier for you to enjoy your work out and stay motivated.
Be sure to reward yourself when you have met your exercise goal to keep your motivation up. A special gift for yourself will help you stay focused even if it is not very expensive. Choose a reward that is easy to get and enjoyable. The purpose of such a treat is to maintain enthusiasm and commitment to achieving your goals.
Take the work out of the word "workout" by thinking of it as a fun thing to do. The following article is filled with creative ideas to help you devise a personal workout plan that is fun and engaging from start to finish.
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