Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel!

In this video, I talk to you guys about my favorite go to cable machine workouts targeting your legs, such as your glutes and hamstrings, and your arms, such as your triceps and shoulders.

Special thanks to FitGirl for sponsoring this video with the Fitness Padded Ankle Strap!

Thank you guys so much for watching! If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button to support my channel, and subscribe for more!
FITGIRL - Fitness Padded Ankle Strap (PINK)
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Don't Miss This Article:

A Simple But Effective Guide To Lose Belly Fat After 40, 50 and Above
Most of the time, people fail at their exercise goals because they do not have the proper amount of willpower or they simply do not know what to do. Read on to learn about ways you can make exercise and fitness more enjoyable so you will stick with it and see the results you want to see.

If you typically do not listen to music when you are working out, you should definitely try it out. Upbeat music has been proven to improve mood. It provides a rhythm to coordinate your movements and boosts your energy levels. Your workout will be more fun and enjoyable if you use this to take your mind off of it.

Exercising is easier with a friend! Taking time to socialize and catch up while exercising makes the time pass more quickly. The weight will come off surprisingly fast. You and your friend will marvel at the results.

You may be able to make your workout fly by if you can think about something else. Making use of video games that get you moving just may be your ticket to success in taking your mind off exercising. There are numerous options to choose from. Since workouts go faster when you are having fun, try playing a video game that requires you to move. Maybe you would like to spar with a virtual boxing champ? Whatever type of game you like, the workouts will seem fun and more like playing than anything else.

Get work out gear you feel you look good in if you decide to develop a fitness plan. Throwing on some old sweats doesn't exactly make you feel attractive or add to your drive to work out. If you have great looking exercise clothes, you will want to go to the gym to show them off.

Doing the same fitness routine every day will soon lead to boredom. You are never going to stick with something long-term that you don't enjoy doing day in and day out. If you regularly make adjustments to your workout, it'll be easy to remain enthused and engaged. Motivation is a key element for maintaining your exercise plan. Taking a short break may make it hard to start up again.

When you meet a weight loss goal, you should reward yourself. The thought of a little reward is the ideal thing to offer motivation. It doesn't need to be a big reward. It just needs to be something that makes you happy and keeps you motivated. You should decide to reward yourself with something that you really want such as new clothes or a fun activity.

It is not mandatory for exercise to be boring. There are numerous ways to transform a workout into a fun activity. Consider the following advice when formulating your fitness plan.

Learn More About Weight Loss Recipes At Naturally Curvy

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