Squat with proper form and see explosive leg growth!
Learning how to squat properly is one of the most fundamental places to start if you're trying to make pain free gains in your legs. Proper squat form requires that you keep your head up, back angled slightly forward but straight, knees traveling outward as you descend, elbows tucked and chest out. Even with all of these tips and cues on how to squat properly, there is one major squat flaw that is still commonly performed.
In this squat tutorial video I show you how to perform the squat exercise correctly by paying attention to the alignment of the hips in the transverse plane. Even when your feet are square and your chest is square to your feet, you can still mistakenly allow your hips to open up. This creates a rotational torsion on the pelvis. Though likely very small in absolute motion, this can lead to biomechanical changes in your squat that can cause hip, knee and back pain over time.
It's important to learn how to squat properly and to learn proper squat form if you want to keep your gains coming while minimizing injuries to other joints. Form is an important part of any exercise, but it's critical when it comes to the squat, given the loads that are often involved in the lift. The same issue applies to the deadlift as well.
In order to fix this squatting flaw you have to consciously contract your gluteus before every repetition of the squat. This will correct the alignment of the pelvis and make sure that your hips are not left open prior to the descent. It takes just an extra second per rep, but will pay large dividends to both your joint health as well as the gains you can see from your leg workouts.
For more physical therapy based training tips compiled into one 90 day program (the same exact one used by today's top professional athletes), then head to http://athleanx.com and get your complete ATHLEAN-X Training System.
For more leg workouts, leg exercises, and tips on how to improve your squat, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at http://youtube.com/user/jdcav24
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Too often, people are passive about their fitness goals. They may not know where to begin, or lack the motivation to look. It's best to have fun with it. These tips will help you get motivated.
Music can help to keep you motivated. The rhythm of the music will prompt you to move to the beat. Dancing can be addictive, and you may find that you keep on moving for longer than you originally planned. Working out through dance gives you the opportunity to gain additional exercise time that does not feel like drudgery.
If you have a workout buddy, it can make exercising easier. No matter what exercise you are doing, you can multitask and catch up with your friends. Time will move quickly, and you will soon start to see the fruits of your labor as your body begins to improve. Friends should always be there to support your efforts!
Use a video game that is made for exercising. This is another way to take take your mind off of the fatigue and discomfort that you may feel during a workout. Playing the video game is so engrossing that you won't even notice you are exercising. You will feel more refreshed and have more energy to carry on exercising.
Head to the mall and choose some new workout gear. When you are looking for clothes to work out in, look for items that you feel good wearing as you are working out. Use your creative skills when choosing an outfit. Adding a little flare may motivate you even more. Use your workout clothes to express your personality and flair. The more confident you feel about your workout wear, the more confident you feel during your workouts.
If there is no variation in your exercise routines, you will quickly get bored and lose motivation. Therefore, it's a good idea to mix up your exercise routine. If you're glued to the treadmill every time you exercise, why not try a long run outdoors instead? When you feel unmotivated, try spicing up your routine with a little variety.
An excellent way to stay motivated and on track with fitness is to give yourself rewards as you progress. It is not the case that you need to hold off celebrating until you get to your final objective. Choose rewards with responsibility. Try to make your reward something like a new accessory or clothing item, but try to avoid food rewards. Regardless of your choice, be certain that it is something you love and something you can afford. You will go further if you have sufficient motivation.
Exercising is typically seen as boring and difficult, but this is a misconception! There are plenty of ways to make it enjoyable. Use these tips in order to add fun into your exercise routine.
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