Friday, October 20, 2017

Never Do Ab Wheel Rollouts Like This!

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Ab wheel rollouts are one of the most commonly performed ab exercises in the gym. Given their ease of setup, they are actually a great exercise for home workouts too since you can do them on the floor with very little space and one inexpensive ab wheel. The problem is, the ab rollout is also one of the most abused and misperformed exercises which can quickly ruin your lower back if you don’t fix how you’re doing them. In this video, I’m going to show you how to perform an ab wheel rollout safely so you can train your abs without wrecking your back.

The problem with the ab wheel rollout starts with the position of your lower back during the setup of the exercise. The two things you want to avoid is letting your hips drop down into a straight line with your back and getting the hands out too far from the body. Either one of these will shift too much of the focus onto the lats and turn the into the prime mover of the exercise. This is not bad if you are looking for a great bodyweight back exercise but this is certainly not our goal when performing the ab wheel rollout.

The back should be pulled out of the natural anterior pelvic tilt that occurs during the setup for this exercise. While you will be flexing the spine from above, a key function of the abdominal muscles, you will likely only be flattening the lumbar spine and pulling into a more of a posterior tilt from the excessive anterior tilt. This will have an effect of actually putting the back into a safer position to perform the exercise.

From here, you want to consciously make sure that you hold the abs in a contracted position as you initiate the rollout. Only go out as far as your ab strength can support you. If you are a beginner, you may only be able to go out a foot or two. That is ok, as long as your lower back is not caving in at any point because your have surpassed the strength of your abs then you can still get great benefits from the exercise. If you are stronger, you can go out further and even hold the end position for awhile to increase the challenge.

The next part is where most of us will ruin the exercise, even if it has been performed properly up to this point. Instead of initiating the return of the ab wheel to the top using the hips you have to contract the abs first and be sure to move your entire torso in one piece. Your hips and the wheel should come up together, without allowing the hips to travel backwards. In fact, you can check that you are doing this right by placing a bench behind your hips and making sure not to make contact with it with your butt as you pull back to the top.

The most important element of this move is that you are getting both benefits of the abs if you want to get the most from it. The anti-extension and spinal flexion components of the abs are both going to be tested if you perform this right. Both are needed in order to build the ab strength necessary not only to get great results from the ab wheel rollout but to keep it a safe exercise choice as well.

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People do not fail to become fit because they are doing a specific exercise the wrong way. What gets people stuck in a rut is no substantial desire or information on how to get in shape. The secret is making your exercise and diet things you can enjoy and sustain; the advice here helps point you in that direction.

Music is something you should integrate into all of your workouts. If you are like most people, you will probably find it easier to move your body when you hear a good beat. When you exercise to music and move your body, then it's like dancing, and you don't feel like it's a workout. This means you may just spend a little bit of extra time working out and burning those extra calories.

Your exercise routine will be so much easier if you get a friend involved. Having someone to chat with while you are exercising makes your workout go by faster. You and your friend will be amazed at how quickly you can lose weight when you work out together.

Adding workout video games can be beneficial to your workout routine. This will put the focus on enjoyment rather than on doing exercises. If you are doing exercises that are enjoyable and fun, you will reduce the risk of getting tired and calling it quits.

Purchase some great exercise clothes to help motivate you to exercise! Choose clothes that you know you will feel good about wearing. There are workout clothes in every color and for every body style. They can be comfortable, fun, or even flatter your appearance. Express your inner creativity! Be outrageous and unique. Whatever your personal style, make sure that you like the way you look in your new outfits. This is a great way to motivate yourself to get started on your workout.

Repetition and boredom go hand in hand. It's a necessity to switch things up. As an example, if your workout routine generally includes a run in the park, you should consider finding a pool where you can go for a swim instead. Keeping your regimen varied helps you maintain a high level of enthusiasm and commitment.

Keep yourself motivated by rewarding yourself whenever you reach a goal. Even a simple reward is a great way to celebrate reaching a goal. Give yourself the gift of time, or indulge in one of your favorite donuts. Pick something that can be attained easily, but is also a bit of a splurge for you. Choosing something that you like as a reward will also motivate you.

Working out does not have to feel like work. In fact, exercising can eventually become an activity you look forward to every single day. Use the following advice to create your own engaging and effective workout regimen.

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