Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A Great Reformer Exercise For Your Glutes And Hamstring


INTRO: This reformer exercise we're doing today will help work on your hamstring, butt and glutes.

Hi I’m Megan from Inner Strength Pilates and Barre, and today I’m going to show you a great butt and hamstring exercise.
So today we are going to use a reformer and at the moment I’ve got a red and a blue spring on, you can go lighter if you need to, you can go to a red and a yellow, or even just a red if you’re just a beginner.

We’re going to lay down onto the reformer, I’ve got the bar just on the diagonal as well, so I’ve got it fully up, and then you’ll going to lay down, putting your toes on the bar, hands by your side, at the balls of your feet, and then you’ll going to scoop your pelvis up so you’re tipping.

We’ll going to lift one leg up to the ceiling and we’ll going to do little pulses, we’ll going to go and lift, lift, lift, lift, so this is working your glutes and your hamstring.

And then after done 30 little pulses, we’ll going to do some leg presses as well so we’ll going to inhale to start, exhale engage that core, push away from the bar.

You don’t have to push fully, you can keep the knee to slightly bent, inhale back in, exhale push away, inhale back in.

So it’s a great strengthening exercise like I said for those glute and those hamstrings especially we do so much quad work, lots of squats, and even two feet on the bars, a lot about quad work but with that tip of the pelvis really help strengthen those hamstrings and the butt, okay.

So of course once you’ve done your 30’s, swapping legs, we start with the little pulses again, pulse, pulse, pulse.

Really thinking about squeezing from that underneath leg and then once you’ve done 30 of those, pushing out, push, inhale back in, and push, inhale back in.

Again don’t forget that really scoop and tip of the pelvis, okay.

So you can start just one set each and then if you can you may boot up to two sets on each leg.

Alright, thanks.

Inner Strength Pilates and Barre Adelaide
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LOCATION 1: Pilates Machine, Mat and Allegro Reformer Classes
Level 1 / 155
King William Road
Hyde Park SA 5061

LOCATION 2: Barre Classes
Shop 3, 54-56
King William Road
Goodwood SA 5061

LOCATION 3: Pilates and Mat Classes. Also Barre Classes
5/115-123 Jetty Road
Glenelg SA 5045

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Motivation is a key factor in determining the success of any fitness regime. Setting realistic goals that are exciting for you to reach is very important. Always remember to make exercising fun. Try rewarding yourself with less traditional, but fun exercises to mix things up a bit. Use the ideas below and you will see that this is very attainable.

Using music in a workout routine is a great way to make it fun. Hearing your favorite songs will help you to keep your body in motion. People just naturally want to get their body moving when music is playing, so it's the perfect way to make exercise engaging and even fun! Play some music while you are working out. It is a wonderful distraction, and the beats will make you want to shake your booty.

Friends are the best motivators. The time you spend exercising will speed by if you are socializing while you work out. You will be astonished at how fast the weight comes off when you work out with a buddy.

Consider purchasing a workout video game. This is a way to infuse a bit of fun into your boring old workout. Since you will be concentrating on the game, you will not even realize that you are working out. This results in you being able to exercise for a much longer period of time before you start to feel exhausted.

Purchase clothing that is comfortable and flattering once you have decided on a fitness and exercise plan. Putting on a worn pair of sweatpants will not give you the motivation needed to work out. Having great fitting and fun workout clothes will provide great motivation to exercise.

Do not do the same thing every day, mix up your routine. It will quickly get boring and turn into a struggle if your exercise routine isn't fun for you. In order to stay motivated, change your routine on a regular basis. This is easily done by changing types of music or doing a new routine. If you stay up to date with new workouts and try different activities, you can have fun while exercising.

A reward is a great way to keep yourself motivated to reach your fitness goals. Your reward should be a thing that you really want to do so that it can help you stay on track. You do not have to spend lots of money or go overboard in any way. A small reward can motivate you to continue your excellent progress!

Exercising can be a fun way to spend some time. There is no reason for it to be anything but enjoyable. There are many different ways to get the exercise you need. Keep these points in mind when starting a fitness regime.

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