Thursday, October 5, 2017

20 Bodyweight Cardio Exercises- Moves for a full body Cardio Workout

These 20 Bodyweight Cardio Exercises that aren't running are a great way to get in a cardio workout no matter where you are.

1. Burpees (0:13)
2. Burpee with Sit Thru (0:25)
3. Towel Taz (0:38)
4. Squat Jumps (0:50)
5. Crawling (1:03)
6. Split Squat Jumps (1:15)
7. Plyo Pushups (1:25)
8. Explosive Step-Ups (1:35)
9. Box Shuffle (1:47)
10. Mountain Climbers (2:02)
11. Plank Jacks (2:14)
12. Squat jacks (2:23)
13. Donkey Kick Sit Thru (2:36)
14. Skater Hops (2:50)
15. Plank Skiier Hops (3:02)
16. Forward Hops (3:15)
17. Circle Shuffle, Sprawl, Sit Thru (3:28)
18. Hop Overs (3:44)
19. Single Leg Deadlift Hops (3:56)
20. Lunge Matrix (4:08)

For descriptions of all 20 Moves and 5 Workouts to do using them, click the link below:

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A Simple But Fast Way To Lose Belly Fat After 30, 40, 50 ,60
One of the greatest roadblocks to fitness is lack of motivation. Sometimes, it is because you are hesitant as to where to start. Other times, it could be because you keep procrastinating, and you think it can wait for another day. These great tips will help you find the plan that is right for you.

Music really gets you in the mood to exercise. The music will get you into a rhythm and get your body moving instinctively. As the Law of Inertia states, once in motion, objects continue in motion until exterior forces are present. Start dancing and you will not be able to stop! Dancing takes the tedium out working out because it's fun to do.

Invite one friend or more to join you in your exercise. When you are having fun socializing with your friends, your exercise time will pass by much faster. It's easier to be distracted from fatigue when you are attuned to chatting with friends.

As a novel approach, try using exercise video games. This is another option that will help you to stay motivated and not let fatigue take over during a workout. You won't notice your body so much if you're focused on the game. You will not notice yourself getting tired, and you will be able to exercise longer and more effectively.

Workout clothing that looks great on you is a really good motivator. They're available in a rainbow of colors and styles to suit your style preferences. When putting together an exercise outfit, get creative. The better you feel in your exercise clothes, the more motivated you will be to go out and exercise.

A boring exercise routine is a surefire way to lose motivation. Feeling bored during an exercise routine can be what prevents you from success. Turn things inside out and do your routine backward. If you stay interested, you will work out more often. If exercise becomes something that you dread, it is likely you will lose interest and quit. Restarting an exercise after you have become discouraged and given up is a lot harder than starting the first time.

Be sure to give yourself a reward each time you meet a fitness goal. Giving yourself small rewards is a wonderful way to help motivate yourself. You can use little rewards for yourself. They don't need to be large purchases; anything that will keep you motivated is worth it. Go buy yourself a new dress or that new book for your Kindle.

You don't have to find exercising monotonous or boring. Having a good attitude and approaching your workouts the right way will increase your enjoyment of your exercise routine. Mix up your fitness routine by trying out these new suggestions.

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