Thursday, October 26, 2017

Posição 02 "Roll Up" do Método Pilates Solo

Método Pilates Solo exercício "Roll Up".
Inspire para preparar e eleve os braços ao mesmo tempo na expiração, faça um leve aceno com a cabeça e flexione a coluna sequencialmente, mantenha a coluna na posição de curva C. Inspire mantendo a flexão da coluna e inicie o rolamento para trás. Na expiração, continue a articular a coluna sequencialmente para voltar à posição inicial.

Empurre os braços para frente, gire o queixo para baixo, e vagarosamente levante as costas do chão, tentando alcançar os pés com as mãos.

Se você sentir dificuldades ou tem algum problema na coluna lombar, ao invés de deixar as pernas esticadas, flexione os joelhos 90 graus, deixando as solas dos pés encostadas no chão.

Novos vídeos todas terças-feiras às 09:00 horas.

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For an exercise program to work, you want it to be one that is enjoyable and easy to stick with. By structuring your exercise regimen to fit your life and interests, you are more likely to enjoy it and stick with it. Continue reading to discover some tips that can assist you in putting together your own outstanding program.

While you're exercising you should blast the volume on your mp3 player. Research has proven that you can get a better workout when listening to music because you forget your tiredness. Have upbeat dance songs that you can use to give you energy. Your body will be naturally inclined to move to the sound of the music. This is an effective way to ensure you have a good pace throughout the whole workout. Singing along will help the time pass more quickly.

If you exercise with your friends, it will help you stay in shape. To get your mind off exercising, start up a conversation with someone, as it will make the time go faster. You will enjoy working out more when you do it with a friend.

Exercise-themed video games can be a terrific way to get a workout. The remarkable secret to this type of exercise is that your focus is on having fun and learning new skills, not on the rigors and dread of performing another workout move. Keeping your mind off of your workout will make exercising much easier.

It is much more enjoyable to go to the gym if you are happy and look great when you are exercising. Spend enough money on getting some exercise clothes that are the proper size, allow for a full range of movement and are flattering in appearance. If you choose something that you feel good in, it will give you the motivation to go to the gym.

Do not do the same thing every day, mix up your routine. You may end up giving up if you are not having fun with your exercise routine. In order to stay motivated, change your routine on a regular basis. Switch up the music or maybe even change your routine. If you keep your eyes open you should be able to find interesting ways to liven up your workout.

Always give yourself a treat after each target you reach. Your reward does not have to be extreme. As long as it motivates you, it is an effective incentive. Get yourself a book you have been wanting to read or a new outfit. Pick an item that is easily available, but you have been avoiding. In selecting your reward, be sure to make it something you really want as this will help keep you motivated.

Exercising does not have to be a drag. There are so many different things you can do to have exercise be fun and not work. The information you've read will help make exercising less tedious and more enjoyable for you.

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