Sunday, April 2, 2017

How to Do a Single-Leg Calf Raise | Female Bodybuilding

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Hey. My name is Erin and I'm a former U.S. Junior Olympics Certified Swim Coach and Personal Trainer and fitness is my passion, so I cannot wait to share it with you guys.

Don't forget your calves. Everyone always forgets their calves. They do a lot of work for you and they add a nice symmetry to the leg line, so don't forget about them.

Calves are pretty straight forward. We're going to start with some heavier weights than you were using for your arms, because you do want to build muscle in the calf. Start with the feet together and you're just going to do ten raises coming up onto the balls of your feet. Make sure that you're not rolling out, so try to keep the knees slightly bent.

You're just going to do ten here and then you're going step out, feet slightly wider than shoulder width, and you're going to come up onto the balls of your feet again for ten. So we do them close and then apart to work different parts of the calf muscle. You want to develop the entire muscle.

Finally, set one weight down and for balance grab a chair or your body bar, whatever it may be. You're going to take one leg behind you and you're just going to come up on one calf. Make sure that you're not leaning on whatever it is that you're using to balance yourself. And come up as high as is comfortable. If you start to cramp, obviously, stop and stretch. And then you're just going to switch sides. And do ten on each side. You can repeat that circuit three times.

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When you are making an effort to get in shape, motivation is paramount. Setting realistic goals that are exciting for you to reach is very important. Exercising isn't just about losing weight and staying healthy, it's about having fun and you should always remember that. Turn exercise into a reward, not a punishment. Follow these tips and you're going to be one step closer to where you want to be.

Music can magically get your body moving. How easy is it for you to stand still when you hear a great beat? You would be missing out if you don't build music into you exercise program! Turn up the music and get moving. Music is a powerful motivator and will help you keep at your workout routine and get your body in shape.

Working out with a friend makes exercise so much more enjoyable and interesting. Chatting while exercising will make your workout go by faster. If you exercise with someone else, the speed of your weight loss may be startling.

Take a look at video games for workouts, and consider using one as the basis for your own workout. This is another way to take take your mind off of the fatigue and discomfort that you may feel during a workout. When you are focusing on having fun playing the video game, you won't be thinking of it as exercise. You will find that you do not get as tired as you normally do, and this way you will be able to get in a bit more exercise.

Purchase a workout outfit that you feel comfortable in; it will help you get adjusted to your workout routine sooner. Though you might consider exercise clothes to be less attractive than other types of garments, lots of choices are now on the market. You're sure to be surprised and delighted by the many choices in styles and types of exercise clothing available today. It may very well be that a cute outfit is your motivator to exercise. If it is, put it on, head to the gym and get working out!

Repeating, repeating, repeating the same workout is boring, boring, boring. Mix up your workouts often. Boredom is the biggest enemy of a productive workout. There is a chance that without proper incentive to keep trying, you might even abandon your goals. Consider changing your workout regularly. This is a great way to maintain your motivation over the long haul. When you stop being active, then the risk is very high that you will backtrack on your progress and lose all the ground you have gained.

When you hit one of your fitness goals, stop everything and reward yourself. Knowing you have something planned is motivating. Choose a reward for yourself that will help motivate you into reaching your goals. A great reward is something that you want or enjoy, it could be a new pair of jeans or a night out with the girls.

Take the work out of the word "workout" by thinking of it as a fun thing to do. Follow the advice in this article to make your workouts fun and exciting!

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