Welcome to Yogea Asana Lab. This segment features 3 twists -- Seated spinal twist -- Marichasana; Lord of the Fishes pose -- Matsyendrasana; reclining twist - Jathara Parivartanasana. All three poses rinse the system, soaking it in fresh blood as they flush away toxins from the lower abdominal cavity, and promote detoxification, digestion, and elimination. The squeezing action channels oxygen to the brain and purifies the gastrointestinal tract from toxic accumulation. These twists decompress the lower back and allow even elongation through both sides of the waist, while nourishing the inter-vertebral disk to boost up collagen production and increase the synovial fluid. As a result you achieve better cushioning of the vertebrae. Spiritually, twists allow us to curve our awareness inwards into the inner self, so we can see what needs release and renewal. The first pose Marichasana is performed with one leg extended into staff pose with the sitting bones evenly grounding into the floor, while the other leg bends in the knee joint and crosses over so that the outside edge of the bent leg presses into the outside thigh of the extended leg. As the oppositional pull is established the spine gains more length and allows the twisting action to initiate from the hip joint and not the lower back. As you inhale you lengthen, on the exhale you twist, while keeping the shoulders aligned and even and engaging the muscles of both legs. The pose exerts a grounding and purifying effect on the whole body and is best suited for the winding down section of the class.
Lord of the Fishes pose has different variations, but it is important to have both sitting bones on the floor while bending both knees and crossing one leg over, so that the bottom leg forms a triangular base and the top leg is folded with the knee pointing up. Once you attain the even release of both sit bones, you are ready to lengthen the entire spine, moving the shoulders away from the years, and then to begin the twisting action from the pelvis, while softening the ribs and taking any arm or bind variation you want. The pose is a combination of a twist and a hip opener, as the subtle action of coiling around your axis with both knees bent gives you a gentle gluteus stretch, too. You can use your arm to enhance the oppositional pull by crossing the upper arm and outer thigh and elongating through the sides of the waist. It has a deep detoxifying and oxygenating effect and can help you remove unwanted emotional residue harboring in your lower abdomen and pelvis. The pose is well suited after the middle section of the class when your body is warmed up and lengthy enough to appreciate a deep twist.
Reclining twist is an excellent pacifying toxic expeller. Because in it we have yielded to gravity we have a safe base from which to amplify the twisting action. There are different variations for this pose, but whether you perform it with a double bind or simply by extending one leg while flexing the foot and overcrossing the other leg in a perpendicular line with the knee you will reap the same spongy benefits. If you choose to have both legs straight you have to even the pelvis out, squaring the hips while reclining and extending one leg into the floor and the other leg in the opposite direction. As you engage through both muscles you will feel a pleasant lengthening of the lower back, stretching of the gluteus and squeezing of the intestines. This pose is best suited at the conclusive section of the class, before relaxation pose as it decompresses the spine and detoxifies the body in a calming and cooling way. If your lower back is tender, don't hesitate to venture into this pose before a long day of working and sitting at the desk.
Yogea Asana Lab is not a yoga routine and should be regarded solely as an educational platform to reinforce proper postural alignment and improve the quality of your practice. The approach is integrated as poses are grouped into different targeted categories. Each set of poses is demonstrated only on one side. The route of assuming poses and releasing through counter-poses is mapped clearly and slowly, allowing time for assimilation and grasping. The main objective is to guide you in and out of poses safely and smoothly, as well as to acquaint you with basic anatomical and energetic principles that weave the geometry of every asana. In turn, you will be able to perform the Yogea routines with clarity, precision and abandonment. As you follow the tips of proper alignment you will feel more stable, ready to deepen your practice and eager to transition gracefully from one stage to the next both on the mat and in life.
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Wanting to get in shape is an admirable goal, although it is not easy to reach if you are not 100 percent on board. Without the proper motivation or base of knowledge, your attempt may not succeed. Check out this article for ways that can help you make exercise exciting and enjoyable.
Consider turning the volume up on your favorite music to spice up your workout. Listening to music is a natural way to encourage yourself to get moving. Exercising to the beat of a favorite song can become more like a dance than work. The aches and pains will seem less intense. Music can really boost your motivation to finish up those last few reps.
By finding creative ways to keep your workout interesting, you will avoid becoming bored. Try to make your exercise regimen more fun and interesting by combining it with socializing. Build a fitness support group of like-minded people that you can call to join you when working out. Fun chats with friends can make workouts more appealing and can help them go by more quickly. When you exercise with a workout buddy, you may lose track of the time and just focus on the fun.
Purchase a workout video game to give your weight loss a fun boost. This is a wonderful method because you are no longer stressed about working out, since you are concentrating on winning the game. If you're more focused on the game than your body, you may be able to exercise for longer than ever before.
Get out and buy some exercise clothes. Look for clothing that fits your body nicely and make you feel good about yourself. Use creativity when picking out your clothing. You will find a vast array of choices in styles, patterns and colors of workout clothes. You can express your true self with creative, fun outfits. If you look good, you will want to work out more.
When your workout routine becomes too much of a chore and is not fun anymore, try changing it up to include more things to do. By keeping yourself interested, you lessen the likelihood that you will give up on your fitness goals. Change your workout plan often to ensure your willpower stays high. If you don't have any interest and stop, it will be much harder to get back up and try again.
A reward is great motivation for sticking to your goals. It doesn't have to be something expensive. A bite of your favorite food or some low-calorie frozen yogurt can do the trick. There are no rules about this. Just make sure that the reward is something easy to find that you actually want. It is important to maintain a high level of motivation as you make progress toward your goal.
Working out does not have to be a constant struggle. Knowing a few fun exercises to include in your workout can help make things far more interesting. By reading these tips, you can optimize your workout.
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