Sunday, March 26, 2017

Yoga Body Workout: Backbend Class With Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga class is focused on backbends. Please subscribe! Check out Align - "A must have alignment course for all yogis practicing at home.": Save $20 using the coupon code "LOVEYOURSELF"

We will practice, salabasana (locust), dhanurasana (bow), Ustrasana (camel) and Urdhva Dhanurasana (full wheel). Thank you to DD Travers and "ozii230397" for your request! Please comment below if there are other classes or poses you would like to practice! As always, work at your own pace, stop if you feel any pain and rest whenever you want to (you can always push pause). If you have yoga blocks and a strap, please get them handy. If not, get some blankets, a belt and a couple of thick books. :-)

Please subscribe and donate if you can afford to. Also, please tell a friend about these free yoga classes. Thank you so much!!!!
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WELCOME to Fightmaster Yoga, I'm Lesley Fightmaster (yes...that's really my last name). Before yoga, my head would never shut up! I felt anxious and uncomfortable. I stressed about the future and regretted the past. I was wound so tightly, took myself way too seriously and carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. I hardly ever laughed. Morning yoga taught me to breathe, to connect and to find space. My intention for this fitness channel is to help you quiet your mind and get comfortable in your own skin. Let go of the past and the future and get present on your mat. If you're having a rough day, find some relief here. If you're beating yourself up, roll out your mat, push play and know that everything's going to be alright. We can all take ourselves a little too seriously. My free yoga videos will help you to laugh more and stress less. The Fightmaster Yoga community will love you SO MUCH that you won't have any choice but to love yourself. Subscribe now and join the fun!

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A Easy But Effective Way To Lose Belly Fat After 40, 50 ,60
Many people avoid making goals when losing weight because they aren't sure where to start and they lack the necessary motivation. There are many ways available to make exercise enjoyable. These tips will put you on the path to realize more success.

Music can magically get your body moving. It is hard to resist singing along or moving to the beat of your favorite music. Not having music in your workout is almost a crime. Turn on your favorite songs, and start moving! Music can help you feel more alive and energized while working out, which enables you to perform at higher levels for an extended period of time.

If you would like, get a friend to join in when you work out. When you have people to chat with, your workout will go by faster. Your companions are going to absorb your attention with their interesting conversation, enabling you to work out for a longer period of time. This is because you're not now concentrating solely on your body and how tired you are becoming. When you have little time to keep up with your friends, working out together can be a great way to catch up with each other. When you are having fun with friends, it can be fun to exercise.

Adding workout video games can be beneficial to your workout routine. Adding fun and modern technology to your workout will help you focus on fun, not the drudgery of working out. When you are having fun, you can exercise longer.

It can be a bit daunting to exercise in front of other people. Having great-looking workout clothes will help you gain a better self-image while working out. There are workout clothes available in many colors and styles for individuals of all shapes and sizes. Pick something that you will have fun and feel good in when picking out clothing to exercise in. You will enjoy exercising more if you have clothes that make you feel good.

If you walk the treadmill seven days a week, you will find yourself quickly getting bored. Any time your exercise routine becomes boring, it will feel less important to you. That means a million other things will seem to get in the way of getting it done. You might want to change your routine periodically in order to keep it interesting. If you do these things you will continue exercising and be well on your way to great health and fitness.

Treating yourself to something special when you hit an exercise milestone is a terrific idea and one that helps keep your enthusiasm high. Your reward does not have to be big or fancy; it can as simple as a small portion of a delicious dessert or something new to wear. Chose a reward that you will really look forward to receiving. Having motivation is what will help you reach your goal.

It is unnecessary to view exercise as little more than a painful, sweaty experience. Working out can be a fun activity, and add a large social component to your life. Use the following advice as a guideline.

Learn More About Weight Loss Recipes At Naturally Curvy

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