Saturday, June 24, 2017

Pilates - Esercizi di Base - Double Leg Stretch

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Pilates - Esercizi di Base - Double Leg Stretch
Oggi vi mostro un esercizio che serve per gli addominali e la coordinazione del movimento.
Ci sdraiamo, solleviamo entrambe le gambe ad angolo retto, solleviamo testa e spalle, le mani sono appoggiate sopra le ginocchia.
Inspiriamo, e mentre buttiamo fuori l'aria estendiamo le gambe verso avanti, mentre le braccia passano dietro disegnando un mezzo cerchio.
Se sentite tensione alla cervicale potete eseguire l'esercizio con la testa in appoggio

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Wanting to change your body and reach your target weight are noble goals, but success is never guaranteed. Without the proper motivation or base of knowledge, your attempt may not succeed. The article below provides you with ideas to make getting in shape exciting.

Have you ever noticed how a baby will begin dancing when he or she hears music? It is almost impossible to stay still while listening to music. A great way to make exercise more enjoyable is to play music while exercising. Music helps you have fun while you exercise.

Look for others in your circle of friends or in your family who you can pair up with to achieve mutual weight loss goals. Chart your progress together and enjoy each other's support. When friends come to work out with you it goes faster. Losing track of what you are doing will make your workout go more quickly.

One option to consider that will enhance your workout experience is to use workout video games. This is a healthy activity that everyone in you family can enjoy. Participating in something you enjoy will take your mind off the fact you are working out. Get into the game, and you will quickly breeze through a workout without even realizing you broke a sweat!

When you look and feel great, going to the gym is a more pleasant experience. Invest some money into some exercise gear that is comfortable and makes your body look great. Make sure your workout clothes are something that you enjoy wearing.

Repeating, repeating, repeating the same workout is boring, boring, boring. You will want to change it often and add new and exciting things to it as you go along. If you want to be productive, you must avoid being bored. If you aren't motivated, then you might stop working out. Consider changing your workout regularly. This is essential if you want to stay motivated. By allowing yourself to cease working out, you put yourself at risk of eliminating the benefits you have already achieved.

Recognize your accomplishments with meaningful rewards. No matter if you've reached a long term goal or a short term one, remember you deserve the reward to keep you motivated. You persevered and stuck with the task until the bitter end! Reward yourself with something meaningful to you. An example could be a long telephone chat with an old friend or a luxurious massage at the spa. Perhaps you would like to buy a new outfit to reward yourself for losing weight. When you are working towards a small reward, chances are you will stick with the work, and have a better chance of meeting your goal.

Luckily, exercise is not actually a dirty word that means only suffering and hard work. It can also be a fun diversion to an otherwise ordinary day. Review the advice below and find out how you can make your workout more fun.

Learn More About Weight Loss Recipes At Naturally Curvy

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