Monday, May 29, 2017

Pilates - Esercizi di Base - Spine Stretch

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Pilates - Esercizi di Base - Spine Stretch
Ciao, oggi vi mostro un esercizio per fare lo stretching e la mobilizzazione della colonna vertebrale.
Ci sediamo a gambe divaricate in linea con le anche, quindi non troppo aperte.
Da qui inspiriamo pensando di salire con la testa verso l'alto.
Mentre buttiamo fuori l'aria facciamo scendere una vertebra dopo l'altra partendo dalla cervicale e ci allunghiamo in avanti.
Sentiremo tirare tutta la parte sotto le gambe.
Ritorno verso l'alto.

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Once cannot overemphasize how important motivation is to achieving your fitness goals. You must establish realistic goals and stay enthusiastic about meeting those goals. An important goal worth noting, is to make sure your exercise is fun. Learn to make exercise rewarding and something you to which you look forward. The tips delineated below will help you accomplish that.

Music is a great way of spicing up your workout routine. You will have sustained energy and enthusiasm by listening to a series of pulsating, rhythmic tunes. Music just seems to make people want to move, and it is ideal to make exercise enjoyable and interesting. When you incorporate music into your workout routine, you will put yourself in the right frame of mind to enjoy your workout.

Ask a few friends to join you when you work out; the more the merrier! Pleasant conversation can make a long work out session fly by. Try to focus on synchronizing your activities. An added plus is that it's an excellent way to fit socializing into your busy schedule. Sharing time with friends is always fun, and it will make your exercise period go much faster.

Exercise video games are a fun way to add some energy to your workout. They allow you to have some fun instead of dwelling on the monotonous exercise you are doing. Fun is the fuel for workouts. If you're high on fun, you won't get tired and will be able to work out for much longer.

When you finally make the choice to follow a plan to enhance your fitness, you should get some clothing that you will feel good about wearing. If you put on grungy, unremarkable exercise clothing, you will not feel energized and motivated for a positive workout. Workout gear that fits you well and makes you happy to wear will increase your enjoyment of your exercise routines.

In order to stay away from monotony, you must switch up your fitness regimen. Boredom is one of the biggest obstacles to successfully reaching your goals. By keeping your exercise routines fresh and interesting, you can look at exercise as entertainment. Do this by mixing up your routines and continually seeking new methods of exercise.

Whenever you meet a weight loss goal you should remember to reward yourself. This is one of the best ways to stay motivated and reach your goals. Your reward does not have to be excessive. It can be as simple as purchasing a new item of clothing or enjoying a small dessert. Make sure you can afford and get the rewards you choose. This way you will have a quick return on rewarding yourself for a job well done.

Who says a fitness regime can't be exciting and even enjoyable? One key the enjoying your workout is having the right attitude going in. Take a new attitude toward fitness by applying these helpful ideas.

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