안녕하세요 리윰필라테스 도곡지점 나윤혜 강사입니다.
오늘 저희가 배워볼 이주의 동작은 매트에서 back과 hip을 강화 시킬 수 있는 swimming이란 동작인데요 이름과 같이 꿀안에서 수영하듯 팔다리를 파닥거리는 동작이라고 생각하시면 됩니다.
시작 자세를 알려드리면
prone 자세로 시선은 목 길어지게 바닥을 보시고, pelvis와 lumbar는 neutral 유지, 팔과 다리는 매트 넓이 만큼만 벌려서 길어지게 뻗으시면 됩니다.
운동 순서는 시작 자세에서
1. 마시고 준비 내쉬는 숨에 팔다리를 허공으로 끌어올립니다. 허리가 익스텐션 되지 않을 정도로만 올리시고
2. 마시는 5카운트 내쉬는 5카운트에 꿀에서 수영하듯 파닥파닥 움직여줍니다.
팔다리가 더 이상 벌어지지 않게 주의해 주시고 목어깨가 긴장해 올라가지 않게 해주세요. 복부가 풀리게 되면 중심이 무너져 몸이 흔들리게 되므로 압정으로 중간을 찍어놓고 한다는 기분으로 복부에 힘을 풀지 말고 탱탱하게 유지시켜줍니다.
3. 여러번 반복 후, 마시는 숨에 엉덩이를 쪼이며 팔다리 길어지게 쭉 끌어 올렸다가
4. 내쉬는 숨에 이완하여 휴식을 취합니다.
주의할 점 : 복부가 풀리게되면 중심이 틀어져 꿀이 아닌 물안에서 수영하듯 불안정하게 되므로 복부에 풍선을 넣어놨다는 느낌으로 빵빵하게 유지해 주세요
어깨가 긴장해 올라가지 않게 끌어내리시고 시선은 척추/목 라인과 동일하게 맞추어 목에 불필요한 텐션이 들어가지 않게 합니다.
손가락 발가락 길어지듯 길게 핀채로 뻗어주시고 다리가 너무 벌어지지 않게 유지해주세요.
tip : 등이 굽어져 있는 카이퍼시스의 경우 가동범위가 나오지 않아 운동이 더 힘들고 자세가 나오지 않습니다. 이럴 경우엔 arc barrel 위에서 배를 대고 진행하시면 가동 범위를 높일 수 있어 더욱 효과적인 운동을 하실 수 있습니다.
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Wanting to change your body and reach your target weight are noble goals, but success is never guaranteed. If you are not motivated or knowledgeable, then you probably are not going to succeed. Review the ideas in this article to find out how to make exercise enjoyable and something you look forward to doing.
More than likely, you've seen a baby dance to the beat of music. It is human nature for the body to want to move when you hear great music. Listening to music is a great way to enjoy yourself while working out. Exercising to music gives you a comprehensive workout, and often times, you'll get so drawn into the rhythm of the music that you won't even notice when you start to get tired.
Get some friends to join you when you exercise. Working out is a great time to catch up on the latest news. Chatting with a pal will make the fact that you are exercising be the last thing on your mind. An interesting chat can take your mind off tedious exercise. Working out with friends is much more fun than working out alone.
Exercising can seem to be finished more quickly if you distract yourself from what your body is up to. Workout video games are a great way to take your mind off your exercise burn. There are a variety of these games available. Maybe you would enjoy bowling with your virtual friends, or learning new dance moves. Maybe you would have fun practicing your boxing skills? Whatever type of game you like, the workouts will seem fun and more like playing than anything else.
If you are like many people, you feel self-conscious about others watching you while you exercise. Your self-confidence will take a huge hike if you are wearing workout gear that flatters your body. There is a wide variety of styles, colors and sizes for people to wear when working out. Treat yourself to fitness clothes that make you want to get ready for a workout. Doing this will make you more likely to stick to your workout plan.
If you walk the treadmill seven days a week, you will find yourself quickly getting bored. If you are bored with your exercise routine, then you will start trying to avoid it. That is a sure-fire path to failure. Make your workout routines exciting and dynamic, being sure to mix up the routines as much as possible. You'll find that not only do you enjoy your workouts more, but also that you are able to stay motivated and continue working towards your fitness goals.
Be sure to reward yourself when you have met your exercise goal to keep your motivation up. A special gift for yourself will help you stay focused even if it is not very expensive. Be sure the reward is something that is easy to get and satisfying. Staying motivated to move forward on your fitness plan is the reason for the reward.
Despite what it's called, working out doesn't always have to be work; it can be fun, too! The following article is filled with creative ideas to help you devise a personal workout plan that is fun and engaging from start to finish.
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