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Hey yogis, this week I'm offering you a 30 minute slow flow yoga class to stretch and open up your upper body, focusing on the neck, shoulders, chest and upper back. I'll take you through my favorite poses and sequences to get rid of upper back knots and improve flexibility in the spine and shoulders!
This is a fantastic class to do if you spend a lot of time working at a desk, lifting weights, nursing a child or driving and is suitable for all levels.
Our movements and transitions in this class are slow and steady, there's really no need to rush! You can expect to feel renewed and rejuvenated after this class.
You'll need 2 blocks in order to do this practice. If you're extremely tight in your upper back and shoulders, you may want to use a strap too!
Thanks for watching, please remember to subscribe!
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☾ LUNAR YOGA FOR WOMEN ☽ http://bit.ly/lunaryoga
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✦ 14-Day Yoga Challenge ✦ http://bit.ly/14dayyoga
🌺 Yin Yoga from Head to Toe Full Series 🌺 http://bit.ly/yinfullseries
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Yoga with Kassandra - Disclaimer
Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga with Kassandra from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga with Kassandra’s negligence.
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The best fitness plan is one that is accessible, comfortable and fun. Make exercising a habit, and it'll be much harder to slack off. This article provides you with the advice you need in order build a great exercise program.
Music can magically get your body moving. How easy is it for you to stand still when you hear a great beat? Not having music in your workout is almost a crime. Turn on your favorite songs, and start moving! Music is a powerful motivator and will help you keep at your workout routine and get your body in shape.
If you would like, get a friend to join in when you work out. When you partake in conversation your workouts will feel shorter and more fun. Your companions are going to absorb your attention with their interesting conversation, enabling you to work out for a longer period of time. This is because you're not now concentrating solely on your body and how tired you are becoming. You can also use this time to socialize. Exercising with your friends can help make the experience far more fun and exciting.
If you are looking for a workout that you will actually enjoy, you should try a workout video game. They are great for the family to use and provide many benefits. Participating in something you enjoy will take your mind off the fact you are working out. When you play the game, you won't even be aware of the sweat, and you may even work out longer.
If you have clothes that look good and make you feel great, you are more likely to want to go to the gym. Get yourself some workout outfits that fit you well and are comfy. Choose clothing that you want to wear, and you don't feel embarrassed in so you are inspired to work out.
Doing the same exercise routine over and over again is dull and will make you want to quit. If your exercises are too monotonous, you will find yourself avoiding them, which will make you skip them and eventually you will quit doing them altogether. You do not want to bore yourself in an exercise routine; make sure to change it often. If you do these things you will continue exercising and be well on your way to great health and fitness.
When you've managed to reach a goal you've been striving towards, do something special for yourself. The reward doesn't have to be excessive; even small incentives can be good motivators. Get yourself something you have been wanting: a book, a CD, or a very special dark chocolate bar. Reward yourself by getting something that you have put off purchasing. Choosing something that you like as a reward will also motivate you.
People never feel bad after exercising, right? The toughest part is to get yourself up and to the gym and to realize that exercising is not a chore but can, in fact, be pretty fun. Look for ways to make your exercise routine so much fun that you look forward to doing it. The tips in this article will make your workouts more entertaining.
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