Saturday, June 3, 2017

How to lose 20 pounds fast in 30 days with Bed Sheet Workout #2

See the seated version of this workout @

Get the workout DVD @ and To lose 20 pounds as fast as possible with this awesome bed sheet workout...

1. you need to do it for 20-to-40 minutes (the bed sheet workout in the video is already 20 minutes long so do back-to-back if you dare!)

2. do the bed sheet workout 3-to-4 days per week at 1-to-2 times per day.

3. make sure you follow one of the diet plans at, or any other diet plan you wish. I will post diet videos later so that when you use this bed sheet workout along with a diet you will really lose 20 pounds very fast!

Bedsheet workout means no excuses!!

you can sit down and do this entire workout and if the jumping jacks seated is too complicated (it was for me) then I will have another bedsheet workout soon where all you do is sit down (or of course stand up if you wish)

bed sheet Variations

If you've seen my top 12 battler rope exercises video here @ then you can basically take a bed sheet or two bed sheets and perform the same variations in this workout.
You could also replace jumping jacks with any other exercise such as running in place, mountain climbers, squat thrust etc. I will have another bedsheet workout soon where you will be doing all of these options in one workout.

More bedsheet workouts here at

Here is the basic layout of this bed sheet fat loss workout...

Round 1
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
40 second break before starting round 2

Round 2
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
40 second break before starting round 3

Round 3
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
40 second break before starting round 4

Round 4
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
20 second bed sheet shake
20 second jumping jacks
40 second break before repeating rounds 1-to-4

Repeat all 4 rounds for a total of ONE time for beginners
Repeat all 4 rounds for a total of two-to-four times intermediate-to-advanced

If for some reason you do not have a bed sheet but want to lose 20 pounds as fast as possible then look at my other home fat loss workouts at that require NO equpment or you could simply look at all of my other jumping jack only workouts here @

I'm Adrian Bryant & I'm the guy who created to help you look good naked. See the people I've already helped look good naked here:


Read More:

A Simple But Effective Program To Lose Belly Fat After 40, 50 ,60
When trying to get into shape, it is very important to be motivated. Establish some goals that you can feel positive and happy about. You need to ensure that you make exercising enjoyable. Use fun exercises as a reward for yourself when you work hard. Follow these tips and you're going to be one step closer to where you want to be.

Music is a great way of spicing up your workout routine. If you listen to your favorite tunes while working out, you will stay motivated. Music will really help get you moving and improve your workouts. When you incorporate music into your workout routine, you will put yourself in the right frame of mind to enjoy your workout.

When you are exercising consider bringing a friend along. It is a wonderful way to stay active. Working out with a friend is a lot of fun, and it makes exercising less of a chore. You might be surprised by how your workout flies by when you are completing it with a friend.

Workout videos can provide the solid distraction that you need to relieve the boredom of the same old exercise routine. Having a selection of them is better than just one, so that you don't get bored doing the same thing every day. Workout videos provide you with direction, motivation and music. This can dramatically increase your endurance.

When starting on your fitness plan, the first thing you should do is to update your workout wardrobe with something that makes you feel attractive. When you put on a worn out pair of sweatpants, you may lose your motivation for working out. If you have great looking exercise clothes, you will want to go to the gym to show them off.

If you do not vary your exercise routines daily, it will not be long before you become bored. If you get bored with the same exercises, you won't want to keep going, so you need to mix things up. It is important to stay motivated. If you lose interest in exercise and stop, you are going to lose your momentum. That will make it hard to get started again.

Rewarding yourself for weight loss goals can help keep you motivated. Reward yourself with small gifts for small successes along the way to your ultimate goal. Pick your rewards with care. Treating yourself to the small things you enjoy is a good idea. Your choices should be meaningful to you and easy to attain based on your budget. If you stay motivated, you will lose more weight.

Although a lot of people are convinced that exercising is difficult, it doesn't have to be. It can be a lot of fun. By implementing some of the advice found in these tips, you can start to make exercising an enjoyable activity.

Learn More About Weight Loss Recipes At Naturally Curvy

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