Método Pilates Solo exercício "Rolling Like a Ball".
Comece sentando-se na mesma posição como ponto de equilíbrio suas pernas devem está dobradas e as mãos segurando a frente de seus joelhos (uma mão em cada joelho).
Inspire para balançar para trás em sua coluna, mantendo a curva C de sua parte superior do corpo. Contrair a barriga quando você rolar para trás e manter a cabeça ligeiramente levantada do chão. Eleve o quadril e apontar os dedos dos pés em direção ao teto.
Expire quando for balançar para a frente para a posição inicial, novamente mantendo a coluna arredondada e seu queixo dobrado.
Não descansar os pés sobre o tapete.
Repita até 10 vezes.
Novos vídeos todas terças-feiras às 09:00 horas.
Inscreva-se no Canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd01KQuarHHZY5CEDodGS5w/feed
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Corpo-Pilates/1573668176213019
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A Simple But Fast Guide To Lose Weight After 30, 40, 50 and Above
Frequently, people's plans to lose weight fall by the wayside because they simply don't know how to go about it. In this article, you'll find a number of tips that will help you keep your workouts entertaining.
Music has an almost magical quality that gets even the most sedentary people moving. How can you play your favorite energetic tunes without wanting to jump up and dance? You really need to incorporate music you enjoy into your exercise program. Crank up some music and shake your body! Music can help you feel more alive and energized while working out, which enables you to perform at higher levels for an extended period of time.
It is far easier to exercise if you have a buddy. As you complete your workout, be social and conversational. You will be amazed by how short your exercise session feels. Both of you will see how fast the weight can come off when exercising together.
Interactive video games are excellent methods for having an effective, exciting workout. Many times you will forget that you are getting much-needed exercise since you are enjoying yourself and playing a game. Therefore, it is not as likely that you will tire out and quit.
A difficult part of working out is being watched as you exercise. Workout clothes that flatter your body can boost your self-esteem! Many different styles and colors for workout clothes exist. Choose workout gear that makes you feel comfortable, but also is a little fun. By doing this, you will be far more likely to look forward to exercising.
Do not do the same thing every day, mix up your routine. It will quickly get boring and turn into a struggle if your exercise routine isn't fun for you. If you keep switching things up, you will not get bored as easily. Switch up the music that you play, or try out different styles of exercise. If you keep your eyes open you should be able to find interesting ways to liven up your workout.
Give yourself a reward each time you attain one of your fitness goals. This will help keep you motivated. Even a small reward encourages you by acknowledging the effort you put forth to earn it. Whatever your reward might be, you should look forward to receiving it as soon as you hit your goal. You should do everything you can to keep your enthusiasm high.
Working out does not have to feel like work. You can take steps to ensure your workout will be enjoyable and fun. Use the tips in this article to create a killer plan that will help you meet your fitness goals.
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