Monday, May 1, 2017

Posição 01 "The Hundred" do Método Pilates Solo

Método Pilates Solo exercício "The Hundred".
O foco principal do exercício “The Hundred” é a respiração, por isso ela deve ser realizada de maneira correta para recrutar o músculo transverso do abdômen - através da expiração forçada - dando suporte e estabilização a coluna lombar.
A respiração deve ser realizada em dois tempos, cinco tempos para a inspiração e cinco tempos para a expiração fazendo um ciclo de respiração completa; Este ciclo deve ser repetido dez vezes o que resulta em cem/hundred. O praticante inicial ou o avançado pode sentir dificuldade em alcançar esse número, isso acontece por vários motivos, podemos citar a franqueza da musculatura abdominal e do músculo iliopsoas, déficit de equilíbrio, baixa capacidade pulmonar ou até mesmo câimbras musculares recorrentes.
Dica: anote constantemente o número de respirações alcançadas e utilize-as como parâmetros de evolução.
A progressão do exercício acontece quando reduzimos o ângulo formado entre as pernas e o chão, ou seja, quando aproximamos as pernas do solo. No total, são acionados em torno de 90 músculos neste exercício, dependendo da posição adotada para a execução.
Siga sempre as instruções corretamente.
Se praticar só, ouça e respeite seu corpo.

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Doing the wrong exercises is not likely to be the reason many people fail to keep in shape. Flagging motivation and insufficient information are the factors that get in the way for most individuals. The trick is keep things enjoyable, and the advice listed here will aid you in your quest for a healthy body.

Music is a great way of spicing up your workout routine. You will have sustained energy and enthusiasm by listening to a series of pulsating, rhythmic tunes. Music will really help get you moving and improve your workouts. When you exercise along to music, it is easy to forget that you are trying to burn calories. It feels so good and your mind does not dwell on negatives.

Bring a willing friend along with you to exercise. It is an excellent method of remaining fit while keeping up with what is going on in the lives of your friends. Bringing a friend along is a great way to break up the monotony of your regular exercise routine. Plus it adds something new, which may end up motivating you even more. When you bring a friend along with you to keep you company, your exercise routine will be a lot more fun.

Buy a video game that incorporates exercise. This can be a wonderful method to shake up an exercise routine and add some variety to your workout! Playing a game will keep your mind off the workout and focused on the fun of the game. You will have the energy to keep playing long after you might have stopped a more traditional exercise workout. Longer play time means more calories burned and more success in meeting your goals!

Looking and feeling good as you work out will make you want to go to the gym more often. Buy a few outfits that make you look, and feel, great. Choose something that you enjoy wearing because the right workout wear is very inspiring.

Try switching your workouts around with new activities to alleviate boredom. The main reason for this is to stay motivated - this way you won't give up on keeping fit. You should update your exercise routine on a consistent basis. Not only does it make your exercise time more fun, it also keeps you from losing interest too quickly. If you take a break from your workouts, it can be exceedingly difficult to get started again. That's why it's so important to find ways to keep yourself engaged.

A great idea is to reward yourself for reaching your goals. Keep motivating yourself to reach new fitness goals. A simple reward can be very rewarding. Treat yourself to the finer things as a reward for your hard work.

Working out can be a ton of fun. If you want to learn more about how you can make exercise fun, read the following tips.

Learn More About Weight Loss Recipes At Naturally Curvy

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