Saturday, April 1, 2017

Pilates - Esercizi di Base - Single Leg Stretch

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Pilates - Esercizi di Base - Single Leg Stretch
Oggi vi mostro un esercizio che serve per gli addominali e la coordinazione del movimento.
Ci sdraiamo, solleviamo entrambe le gambe.
Partenza delle gambe ad angolo retto.
Solleviamo la testa e le spalle mentre andiamo a distendere la gamba destra verso avanti non più bassa rispetto al piede ma mantenendo la stessa linea.
La mano esterna si appoggia sulla caviglia della gamba sinistra e la mano interna sul ginocchio della gamba sinistra.
Inspiro. Fuori aria.
Inspiro, e fuori aria.
Se a un certo punto dovessimo sentire troppa tensione sulla cervicale possiamo inizialmente eseguirlo poggiando giù la testa oppure in questo modo.
Mi raccomando: rimanete ben sollevati con la testa e le spalle, non state troppo giù col le spalle altrimenti sentite la tensione completamente sul collo.
Attivate bene gli addominali pensando di risucchiare l'ombelico verso la colonna.

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A Easy But Effective Program To Lose Weight After 40, 50 ,60
Most folks do not set goals when losing weight because they don't have the knowledge they need to be motivated. Fortunately, opportunities abound when you wish to turn working out into something fun. These tips will help you get the ball rolling.

It is a great idea to play your favorite songs when you start exercising. Music can make your body naturally move to the rhythm and beat. When you work out to your favorite tunes, it can feel more like a night on the dance floor than exercise. Your focus is on the rhythm and beat of the music rather than on your tired muscles, which helps you to keep moving for a longer period of time.

Invite a group of friends to exercise with you. Workouts are a great place to socialize and have some fun. Friends make exercising fun. You can be distracted by having a conversation. It can be incredibly fun working out with friends.

Go shopping for a video workout game. It will make exercising much more fun. Playing a fun game will keep your mind off the workout that your body is getting. You will be surprised by the extra time you are willing to spend exercising when you are not concentrating on how exhausted you are.

Buy flattering workout clothes. To motivate you even more for an exercise regimen, you should buy a new outfit that will fit when you reach your goal. There are lots of different styles and colors that make it fun to pick out clothing. Watch your fitness routine kick into gear when you wear your new workout clothes.

You should have several fitness routines to use on different days as a way to keep boredom at bay. Keeping a varied, interesting routine will help you stay focused and motivated. Exercising will start to be an activity you anxiously anticipate because you are excited to test a new workout method.

Give yourself a reward whenever you reach an exercise goal. You deserve to reward yourself, even for a small goal. You worked hard and met your goal! Spend some family time together or reward yourself with a small portion of a beloved dessert. Maybe you want to buy yourself some smaller jeans. Having a reward waiting for various milestones can really help you stay motivated to work toward your goals.

Your workout doesn't have to be monotonous. It's not impossible to enjoy working out. In this article, you will find some ideas to help make your exercise regimen more enjoyable.

Learn More About Weight Loss Recipes At Naturally Curvy

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