60 sec. Flat stomach office chair roll out workout @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8SY_MTVFzA
7min Flat stomach office chair roll out workout @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bshx6cBmukc
More six pack ab exercises @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL23F539B624BB43DF
Although the title is says Flat Abs In 6 Minutes I still stick by my claim that your abs will be flat in 6 minutes after doing this ab workout but in order to see the flat abs you got means you need to get rid of any fat over your stomach with these 5 steps @ http://www.nowloss.com/how-to-lose-belly-fat-get-abs-fast.htm and if you think it I impossible to get flat abs in 6 minutes then before you criticize...
Do this 6 minute ab workout and then tomorrow you will feel your sore but rock hard abs all day long just begging to be revealed to the world if only you would get rid of the ugly body fat hiding them. Read on to learn more about this ab wheel workout and how to get rid of belly fat to see six pack abs...
See more ab wheel tips @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYzzFzjaNDc
For this ab wheel or ab roller workout you are simply do 6 sets of 5 reps on the ab wheel or ab roller but you are standing up the whole time. Do not do this ab wheel or ab roller workout on your knees. You will get a much better six pack ab workout if you do tis standing up as opposed to on your knees
If this workout is too easy then simply stand farther back and if too hard stand closer to the wall.
If you ever workout up to a point where you are going full out all the way back and it gets too easy then wear a weight vest to make this ab wheel or ab roller tough enough to give you a good six pack ab workout for your fitness level.
Instead of 5 reps each set in this ab roller workout for flat abs you could do 6 or more reps each set and/or you could rest less than 45 seconds between each set and vice versa if too hard...
You could do less than 5 reps per set in this ab wheel workout for a flat six pack and/or rest longer than 45 seconds but at doing less than 5 reps you should not need a lot more time to rest between sets.
This six pack abs workout really only needs to be done once a week but you fitness freaks can do it 1-to-3 times a week for flatter abs.
See more tips on how to properly use an ab roller or ab wheel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYzzFzjaNDc
It does not matter if you use a wheel, towels on a slick floor or an office chair but you can buy an inexpensive ab roller from amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ab+wheel
Flat Six pack abs are easily built but in order to see your flat abs make sure you use the 5 steps here: http://www.nowloss.com/how-to-lose-belly-fat-get-abs-fast.htm and those 5 steps will help you be able to finally see the six pack abs you built with the ab roller or ab wheel or whatever you wish to call it.
The 5 steps are going to basically show you what to do to tackle your belly fat covering up the fact you really have flat six pack abs by using a calorie restricted diet along with fat loss workouts like t25, tae-bo, or my fat loss workouts @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF52868D2E6449DE0 and as you lose belly fat and love handles you will see your abs or belly get flatter and flatter.
Lower Ab Exercises @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5qWKDYV54nHy-EEx4VIAa4VE4cT68pet
More ab wheel workouts & exercises: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5qWKDYV54nHM0qcWk4AJn7yPz37ryC4V
Get rid of love handles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5qWKDYV54nFvWRL71S85BP1wZ61wrg2i
I'm Adrian Bryant & I'm the guy who created NowLoss.com to help you look good naked. See the people I've already helped look good naked here: http://www.nowloss.com/t
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NowLoss
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nowloss/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/adrian_bryant
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Without motivation, you will not be able to succeed in attaining your fitness dreams. Sometimes, it is because you are hesitant as to where to start. Other times, it could be because you keep procrastinating, and you think it can wait for another day. If you come up with some ideas that are fun, you will stay motivated to stick with your routine.
Turn up the music on your iPod when working out. Research has shown that music can distract you from feeling tired from the workout, thus enabling you to continue longer and stronger. Make a playlist of nothing but fast moving, upbeat songs just for your workout. Fast music will keep you moving. You will begin to move your body along with the beat of the song. In this way, you will have a better chance of maintaining your intensity level for the complete exercise routine. Make the time feel like it is going by quicker by singing along with the music.
Working out with a friend is ideal. When exercising, try to start a conversation with someone so you can focus your attention away from the workout. This will help time go by a little more quickly. Exercising with a friend raises the fun factor, which means you will enjoy your workout more.
A great way to break up your routine is by using exercise videos. Have different workouts available so you don't get bored. If you find music that inspires you or pumps you up, you can get more energy to continue working out while having fun.
If you feel flattered by your workout attire, you are more likely to workout. There are an endless number of colors and styles of workout clothing available. Choose an outfit that will get you motivated to get out there and hit the gym.
To keep yourself from getting bored, change up your exercise routine often. It is important to keep motivation high so you don't quit. Rewrite you routine often to make it harder to lose interest in it. You want to avoid ever stopping your routine. It can be very hard to begin your routine once you have stopped.
Rewarding yourself is a great way to motivate yourself to complete a goal. The reward doesn't have to be excessive; even small incentives can be good motivators. Get yourself a coveted book or CD - or even a special food treat! Pick an item that is easily available, but you have been avoiding. The reward needs to be meaningful to you. Otherwise, it won't have any motivational value.
You really can enjoy exercising. You shouldn't look at it as being miserable, because it doesn't have to be. There are many different ways to get the exercise you need. This article contains some useful advice to help you start to develop an enjoyable exercise regime.
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